niedziela, 29 marca 2020


Recently I painted Craftworlds Eldar mostly, so it's time for me to get some Dark Eldar done. Here are two of my Archons.

I must admit I built them mainly to be able to field the cheapest Battalion available to Eldar, that is two Archons and three units of Kabalites.

After few games I'd changed my mind. For 61 poits Archons are very, very good. Twice they changed the course of game (although it was blind luck on my side), one survived full round of shooting and charge from Agressors, and second killed Smash Captain like he was regular guardsman.

Of course most of the time they don't do so many epic things, but having such guy behind my lines gives me some edge when enemy tries to block my shooting units with charges. Reroll of 1's for my Drukhari is also very nice to have.

After some thoughts I came up with an idea of total-soup army, built around three detachments, one Drukhari, one Craftworlds and one Harlequins. Probably not so straight forward like my Craftworlds list, but with proper handling it will do it's job. More about that later. Cheers.

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