niedziela, 10 stycznia 2021

Strange Psyker Army idea

 Recently my lack of fun playing weak models got a bit stronger. GW made using Troops almost mandatory to win games and most troops are not what I call cool units. Even my DG Plague Marines with their new 2W profile, T5 and resilience aren't good enough. Then my eyes cought an army that I never liked, Grey Knights. One of two armies (second being Custodes who are even more ugly) that have TEQ models in Troops. I'd decided to build an army entirely with 2+ armour save. Of course I couldn't use oryginal GK models which hurt my eyes (like most emperial shit). I'd decided to build something on my own.

First model was almost ready, as I began working on it in grim dark ages of 7th edition. Draigo, who in my army will be called Aaron van Dorst will lead my psykers to battle.

His model is based on AoS figure that was given away in GW stores quite some time ago. Sword is from Chaos Warrior, head - Dark Eldar Wytch. Of course he's not finished yet.

The most important thing in this army is it's lore. Aaron was born on Jupiter and like most of inhabitants were destined to become either a miner or factory worker. It all ended when Genestealer Cult formed. Situation got a bit to complicated for local authorities to handle. Call for help was sent and Ultramarines responded. Terminators, veterans of countless fights with Tyranids went deep into the hive city and purged convent after convent. One particularly powerfull Magos decided to take several hundred civilians hostage. Of course Marines were not concerned, and decided to kill both cultists and their captives. All went well untill flamers and bolters pointed at young boy in worker's uniform. All imperial citizens know stories of dreadfull psykers who can crash a Baneblade into ball of metal. This day everyone present learned that those stories are true. Aaron, on the other hand, learned of his psychic potential.

Knowing that emperial forces will hunt him down and kill (or worse) he had to run. He found temporary shelter in abandoned workshop where he put his skills to good use and made himself an armour, shield and modified the sword taken from one of the fallen terminators. Young psyker realised that if he connect his mind with his wargear his fighting potential will be unmatched.

Of course he couldn't face whole Inquisition alone. He'd decided to find the others. Psykers who didn't want to serve the false emperor, didn't worship Chaos gods, psykers who just wanted to feel safe and be left alone.

That's it for the lore (for now of course). I hope the model will be finished in a few days. Then I'll have to build around 20 terminators and maybe some other units (Paladins, Dreadknights, other HQ choices). Of course I'll use only those with terminator armours. I also think about Land Raider, but am not sure how to put it into my lore. On the other hand, Land Raider who can shoot turn one without seeing my oponents, and then appears behind enemy lines with belly full of terminators... Hm... I must think about it :) Cheers.

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