niedziela, 15 marca 2020

Asurmen - Early WiP

Yesterday I came up with an idea of using huge unit of Dark Reapers (8 + Exarch) with Asurmen next to them, and Warlock to cast Protect.

Thanks to that I get very powerfull shooting, and unit with 2+/4++. Not sure if that will work, but it's worth a try.

Problem was, I don't like the oryginal Asurmen model. It's very old, two-dimentional sculpt. After some interesting chat on Eldar facebook group I began kitbashing my own Phoenix Lord.

It's Dire Avenger body, Exarch arms (one with additional Catapult attached) and Warlock head with Dire Avenger's knot.

My idea was to sculpt the top of the knot and probably some kind of a cape out of greenstuff. I didn't use it for very long time, so it may require some more work :)

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