wtorek, 17 marca 2020

Fire Prism

I just finished my first (and only, for the forseeble future) Fire Prism.

Thing is, Prisms work well only if you have three of them. I might of course buy two more, but I prefer Reapers and Falcons in current meta. That may change of course :). Actually I regret building the tank as Prism, Night Spinner would be much more usefull right now. Well, my bad.

Good thing is, the model looks AWESOME. Eldar tanks look cool, and this one is the best looking of them all. Even if I don't use it, I'm glad to have it.

Next in line is my big unit of reapers. Eight plus Exarch, that's some serious firepower.

Of course, I also need to finish my Asurmen, but that's quite a lot of work to be done.

After the Pandemia gets under control we'll have a small league in our local store. 500pts, so I'll use single detachment. I though about Drukhari, but then my idea of Asurmen came to my mint.

I'll use Patrol Detachment, with 9 Reapers, Asurmen and 6 Dire Avengers. Probably not the best list I could come up with, but I really like it. Besides, most of players will be newbies, so I don't want to pound them with Falcons, Farseers and Shinigh Spears. I prefer to give them some fun out of the game :).

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