poniedziałek, 10 lutego 2020

Challlenge for myself and Wave Serpent talk

Idea is simple: to play the tournament on 21.03 with fully painted army. Doesn't sound that difficult, but I don't have that much time for painting every day.

The list I chose for this event is a bit strange, as I don't field any hard hitting units like Crimson Hunter Exarchs, Fire Prisms or Shining Spears.

Exactly like for previous tournament, I chose two detachments, Battalion and Patrol. I thought about two Battalions, as I have a bit more points (1250 to be exact) but I don't think I need that 5CP that much, expecially if I would have get rid of some important units to squeeze in two more troops.

I won't talk much about the list, as I'll have time to do it in my post about the tournament. Instead, I'll tell you what models I will need to paint, and at which stage of completion they currently are:

- Archon (converted, primed)
- Archon (converted, primed)
- 5 Kabalites (basic colours and shading)
- 5 Kabalites (basic colours and shading)
- 5 Kabalites (basic colours and shading)
- Ravager (main hull painted)
- Raider (assembled)
- Venom (main hull painted)
- Venom (primed)
- Venom (primed)
- Autarch Skyrunner (finished)
- Warlock Skyrunner (almost painted)
- 8 Storm Guardians (I'm still converting them as chainswords are hard to come by)
- 3 Dark Reapers (assembled)
- Wave Serpent (mostly painted)
- Wave Serpent (I still need to buy it)

So, there's quite a lot of work ahead of me. Of course I'll post my progress here.

If you have seen my previous list you can see that I've decided to take two Wave Serpents instead of one. The reason is: I absolutely love this unit. The best transport in the game, if you ask me. The loadout I use is basic Serpent with Twin Aeldari Missile Launcher. It gives me quite a lot firepower mounted on one and only Eldar unit that can reliably take some punishment. 13 wounds, T7, 3+ save and shield that decreases number of wounds suffered by one, to minimum of one.

Of course, you can destroy Wave Serpent. The thing is, if you do so, then you need to put a lot of firepower into this task, leaving rest of my army safe and sound. On the other hand, you can try to kill the rest, knowing that those missile launchers will pound you every turn.

Of course, transport is primary (but not the most usefull) occupation of this vehicle. 12 passanger slots are quite a lot, allowing me to put all of my infantry into one of those (8 Storm Guardians and 3 Reapers). Expecially the later are very important, as starting the game inside will allow them to survive turn one pounding from, say, thunderfire cannon. Then, Reapers can disembark and still hit on 3+, thanks to their rules.

Anyway, I need at least two of Wave Serpents, and am happy that I have an oportunity to put second one on the list.

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