niedziela, 16 lutego 2020

Wave Serpent

As I'd mentioned before, next model finished is Wave Serpent.

I've already told you why I like this unit. I would probably use three to five, but the problem is, I hate painting vehicles. That and equal hatered towards mail order only models is the reason I don't have Fire Prisms. Maybe one day, but not anytime soon.

Next in line are a pair of Archons. As I have three units ready for Craftworlds, I need to give my Drukhari some love. Expecially that Archons have a strange habit of becoming man of the match in my games. Withstanding round of shooting and charge from Agressors? No problem. Killing Smash Captain in one round? Archon is your man. I know that in those cases I got quite lucky, but still, for such cheap model I really like them.

Of course, the list I wrote for the tournament will probably get changed. After yesterday's game I give Crimson Hunter Exarchs some serious thoughts. One won't do much good, but two... Or three? That's more like it.

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