wtorek, 7 kwietnia 2020

Soup vs Daemons

Today my Soup faced Daemons army (Tzeentch battalion + Slaanesh/Khorne battalion).

Last time I got asked on Eldar facebook group about the list, so this time I'll put mine below:

Drukhari Battalion (Kabal of the Flayed Skull):
- Archon (Huskblade)
- Archon (Huskblade)
- 5 Kabalites
- 5 Kabalites
- 5 Kabalites
- Venom
- Venom
- Venom

Craftworlds Battalion (CC: Masterful Shots, Expert Crafters):
- Warlock Skyrunner (Warlord)
- Farseer Skyrunner
- Spiritseer (Faolchu's Wing)
- 5 Dire Avengers + Exarch (Bladestorm, 2 Catapults)
- 5 Dire Avengers + Exarch (Bladestorm, 2 Catapults)
- 5 Dire Avengers + Exarch (Bladestorm, 2 Catapults)
- 8 Shining Spears + Exarch (Star Lance, Swooping Dive)
- Falcon (AML, Crystal Targeting Matrix)
- Falcon (AML, Crystal Targeting Matrix)
- Falcon (AML, Crystal Targeting Matrix)

Harlequins Vanguard (Frozen Stars):
- Shadowseer (Neuro Disruptor)
- Troupe Master (Kiss)
- 5 Harlequins (3x Kiss, 2x Caress)
- Death Jester
- Death Jester
- Solitaire

We used the new ITC format. I lost the roll and became the attacker. With hammer and anvil deployment I pushed forward everything but two Archons who kept two objectives in my deployment zone safe.

Rafał, Daemon's general deployed strongly into one corner, a bit worried by three Falcons.

On my first turn I fired three Falcons into doomed and jinxed Keeper of Secrets. Well... He lost 3 wounds. Dice are weird :P. My Troupe moved twice (thanx to the Shadowseer). Of course both advances were amazing, 1 inch each (I even re-rolled one with CP, into 1 of course). It didn't matter, as even with such bad luck they moved 18 inches, and only needed 6 inches charge. After consolidation they jumped straight into enemy screen.

They survived all attacks they got in return thanks to -2 to hit and 3+ inv. Then they piled in and fought again, thanks to the strategem.

Even though they didn't kill much (about 10-12 daemons from few units) I absolutely love them. No other unit does such mayhem among enemy lines. Whole turn 1 by Daemons was focussed on killing them.

After psychic phase that killed my clowns Daemons started to press forward.

Daemon Prince killed Troupe Master, Shadowseer died to few smites and several shots from Flamers. Then Prince charged my Warlock, who not only passed all his saves, but gave three wounds to Daemon in return!

I realised I need to clear the midboard fast. All three units of Dire Avengers disembarked and pressed forward, firing their Catapults, and obliterating about 20 daemons. Falcons fired several shots, killing even more, and wounding Kairos.

Then my Shining Spears (Quickened by Spiritseer) and Solitaire charged into combat.

Solitaire had to hit twice, but killed Kairos.

Spears left second Keeper of Secrets on four wounds.

At this moment we had to end our game (after three turns) due to time limit. Next time I hope we'll have some more time. If we played longer, I probably would win, but barely. Daemons are very difficult enemy for Eldar. It's very rare ocasion when all of my spells can be denied by so many psykers, and I run out of psykers to deny their powers. Huge Daemons and hordes of smaller ones are quite difficult to kill as well.

Till next time :) I think I will show you my first Harlequin models painted quite soon :)

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